New Order - haben sich aufgelöst?
Die Auflösung von New Order im 29. Jahr des Bestehens der Band wabbert momentan untergründig und ohne viel aufmerksamkeit zu erzeugen durch die Medien. Ob und wieso ist dabei noch nicht beantwortet. Einen interessanten Kommentar hat dazu Zachery Starkey auf der Fansite Neworder Online abgegeben:
"They are actually quite relevant today. They have influenced an entire generation of new bands. LCD Soundsystem, Juan Maclean, The Killers, The Bravery, Hot Chip, the Faint, everyone one of these bands has been pretty heavily influcned by New Order.
WFTSC sold pretty well, went top 5 in the UK, and I thought it was an excellent album. I read a lot fo positive reviews for it. I loved it! I listen to it a lot, more than any other album except for Technique and Low Life.
They just completed a successful sold out tour of the UK and South all accounts they were great live."
Überzeugen könnt ihr euch am Freitag 23.12.06 beim Deutschlandfunk. Dort gibt es um 21.05 Uhr in der Playlist das Turiner Konzert vom 2. Juli 2004 u.a. mit den Joy Division Songs "Atmosphere" und "She´s lost control".
"They are actually quite relevant today. They have influenced an entire generation of new bands. LCD Soundsystem, Juan Maclean, The Killers, The Bravery, Hot Chip, the Faint, everyone one of these bands has been pretty heavily influcned by New Order.
WFTSC sold pretty well, went top 5 in the UK, and I thought it was an excellent album. I read a lot fo positive reviews for it. I loved it! I listen to it a lot, more than any other album except for Technique and Low Life.
They just completed a successful sold out tour of the UK and South all accounts they were great live."
Überzeugen könnt ihr euch am Freitag 23.12.06 beim Deutschlandfunk. Dort gibt es um 21.05 Uhr in der Playlist das Turiner Konzert vom 2. Juli 2004 u.a. mit den Joy Division Songs "Atmosphere" und "She´s lost control".
der-rhetor - 18. Dez, 16:43
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